¿Qué haces cuando te encuentras escuchando jazz, con tus amigos o con quien sea que estés cómodo, tomándote un Jack Daniel's en un bar, no sé, digamos en el **nderbar?
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Thanks Kingaaaa! This pic was taken in Aken, Germany around 8pm. That day a totally drunk man jump with his toxido into the plaza fountain celebrating his brand new PHD in medicine. There were TV cameras, too. That was funny to see.
4 comentarios:
...disfrutar el momento...
Por ahí vamos Prometeo!
love this pic!
Thanks Kingaaaa! This pic was taken in Aken, Germany around 8pm. That day a totally drunk man jump with his toxido into the plaza fountain celebrating his brand new PHD in medicine. There were TV cameras, too. That was funny to see.
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